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Nursing toolkits – new on RCNi Learning

Published on: 14 Oct 2024

Nursing toolkits are a new feature on RCNi Learning, which is an online resource of CPD and clinical skills learning modules for the entire nursing profession.


RCNi Learning is pleased to announce that it has launched a new area on its learning platform containing nursing toolkits. The nursing toolkits can be searched for and filtered by specialty, and cover drug calculations, traffic light systems, acronyms and checklists for a wide-range of medical conditions.

Toolkits by speciality

Nurses can save and print the toolkits, or share them with their nursing colleagues. The nursing toolkits can be pinned up in clinical areas, training environments or at nursing stations. 

RCNi will continue to add new toolkits, with more planned for release in 2025.

As a lifelong learning partner for nurses, RCNi is committed to providing CPD and practical resources to help nurses improve care and share best practice. We hope the nursing toolkits will be an invaluable resource to the nursing profession and the organisations where they work.

Airway measurements

Log onto RCNi Learning to start exploring the new toolkit area.

RCNi Learning is part of an RCNi Plus scubscription that includes the RCNi Revalidation Portfolio, access to all ten of our nursing journals and the CPD learning platform, RCNi Learning.  Find out more about an RCNi Plus subscription

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